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Iroquois opened in 1967 as a replacement to alleviate overcrowded conditions at Thacker Junior High

Changed from a middle school to a K-8 year round school in 1997

old photo of kids raising hands in classroom

Iroquois Junior High School Spanish class, 1960s

early photo of kids and teacher by locker

Iroquois Junior High School students with student council election posters, 1960s

Students in the greenhouse at Iroquois Junior High School, 1960s

Students in the greenhouse at Iroquois Junior High School, 1960s

open since 1967

All of the historical information of the CCSD62 schools was generously provided by the Des Plaines History Center. 

Go to their website below to learn more about Des Plaines history!

Des Plaines History Center Website

early photo of band class

Iroquois Junior High School band, 1960s

early photo of orchestra class

Iroquois Junior High School orchestra, 1960s

early photo of a shop class

Industrial Arts class, 1960s

early photo of kids in class

Iroquois Junior High School students voting in a student council election, 1960s

early photo of school kids dancing

Gym class at Iroquois Junior High School, 1960s