Principal Newsletter
Weekly Activity Update
9/9/24 - 9/13/24
If your child is in band or orchestra before school, please park in the back parking lot and drop them off at Door #10
Monday, September 9th
- Beginning Band with Mrs. Todd 7:15 - 7:55
- Beginning Orchestra with Mr. Radtke 7:15 - 7:55
- 3rd - 8th Grade Spirit Team Informational Meeting with Ms. Martorelli in the gym 7:20 - 7:55
- Middle School Choir with Mrs. Todd 11:50 - 12:30
- Dismissal 2:30
- PTC Meeting 6:00
Tuesday, September 10th
- Concert Band with Mrs. Todd 7:15 - 7:55
- Concert Orchestra with Mr. Radtke 7:15 - 7:55
- Middle School Lunch Bunch Group with Mrs. Gottschalk 11:50 - 12:30 - Invitation Only
- Middle School Choir with Mrs. Todd 11:50 - 12:30
- 4th and 5th Grade Academic Club with Mrs. Malec and Ms. Redding 2:45 - 4:00 - Invitation Only 2:45 - 4:00
- 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Game at ICS 3:30
Wednesday, September 11th
- Book Fair Open 7:00 - 4:00
- Warrior Wednesday - Wear green or your ICS spirit attire
- Intermediate Band with Mrs. Todd 7:15 - 7:55
- Intermediate Orchestra with Mr. Radtke 7:15 - 7:55
- 3rd Grade Board Game Club with Mrs. Bilik 10:30 - 11:30
- 4th Grade Bucket Band with Mrs. Todd 11:10 - 11:40
- 5th Grade Newspaper Club with Ms. Bemben 11:40 - 12:10
- NJHS Meeting with Mrs. Beaty 11:50 - 12:30
- Middle School Lunch Bunch Group with Mrs. Gottschalk 11:50 - 12:30 - Invitation Only
- Middle School Spirit Showdown meetings with Mr. Radtke 11:50 - 12:30
- Middle School Choir with Mrs. Todd 11:50 - 12:30
- Jazz Band with Mrs. Todd 2:45 - 4:00
- 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Practice with Mrs. Beaty and Mr. Jennings 2:45 - 5:00
Thursday, September 12th
- Book Fair Open 7:00 - 4:00
- Concert Band with Mrs. Todd 7:15 - 7:55
- Concert Orchestra with Mr. Radtke 7:15 - 7:55
- 4th and 5th Grade Choir with Mr. Radtke 11:10 - 12:10
- Middle School Lunch Bunch Group with Mrs. Gottschalk 11:50 - 12:30 - Invitation Only
- 3rd Grade International Club with Mrs. Bilik 2:45 - 4:00
- 4th and 5th Grade Academic Club with Mrs. Malec and Ms. Redding 2:45 - 4:00 - Invitation Only 2:45 - 4:00
- 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Game at ICS 3:30
Friday, September 13th
- Book Fair Open 7:00 - 1:00
- Intermediate Band with Mrs. Todd 7:15 - 7:55
- Intermediate Orchestra with Mr. Radtke 7:15 - 7:55
- ICS Spirit Showdown 1:45 and Spirit Day
- 8th graders and 1st graders wear black
- 7th graders and 2nd graders wear red
- 6th graders and 3rd graders wear blue
- 4th graders, 5th graders, and kindergartners wear green
Kelly Krueger
John Rey
Assistant Principal